I use parameter frames
and I can’t understand why this is not working
$x = of_get_option('post_number'); $content_post = get_post($x); echo $content_post->post_excerpt;
very strange because
echo of_get_option('post_number');
works fine and prints a number
and according to get_post my code should work but the echo doesn’t give anything, even an error message
so I have to handle get_post () incorrectly, any hints?
var dump http://pastebin.com/ZEgQ5WPn shows that post_content is full, but post_excerpt is empty
How can I restore exposure?
EDIT [allowed]
I decided to manually overwrite the excerpt, but my option was missing, then I found this
and used
add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' );
for manual recording of shutter speed
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