Google Places API: Page Marker Errors

Basically I am requesting google API for stores in atlanta.,-84.3874&radius=50000&sensor=false&key=YOUR_KEY_HERE&types=amusement_park|art_gallery|bakery|bar|beauty_salon|bicycle_store|book_store|bowling_alley|cafe|car_repair|car_wash|clothing_store|florist|furniture_store|gym|hair_care|home_goods_store|jewelry_store|laundry|liquor_store|museum|night_club|pet_store|pharmacy|restaurant|shoe_store|spa|store|veterinary_care|zoo 

This, as expected, returns the result with the page token to get another data page with the same query. 

According to their API, this second URL is all I need to get a second page of data. But it ALWAYS returns "REQUEST_DENIED".

 "{\n \"html_attributions\" : [],\n \"results\" : [],\n \"status\" : \"REQUEST_DENIED\"\n}\n" 

It is unclear WHY I get the request denied. I’m not hiding my daily limit anywhere. If I try to run the second URL with ALL the specified parameters from the first URL with the token enabled, it acts as if I request the first page again and completely ignores page_token.

Has anyone got this page_token to work?!?!?!?!?!

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1 answer

This is a bug in the documentation and will be fixed as soon as possible. The correct parameter to use is pagetoken NOT page_token .



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