I recently upgraded my primefaces-project to a new version.
Everything seems to be working fine, but the picker is very slow when you click the add all button. I have a huge data set (about 130 items) in the list. The problem is also described in this post.
UPDATE: A very simple example should show the problem:
<p:pickList value="#{testForm.dualList}" var="id" itemLabel="#{id}" itemValue="#{id}" />
Form (in the session area):
@Component("testForm") @Scope("session") public class TestForm implements Serializable { private DualListModel<Integer> dualList;
The method that creates the DoubleListModel:
prepareForm() { List<Integer> source = Lists.newLinkedList(); List<Integer> target = Lists.newLinkedList(); //add 100 integers as source: for(int i = 0; i <= 99; i++) { source.add(i); } DualListModel<Integer> model = new DualListModel<Integer>(source, target); testForm.setDualList(model); }
Is there something I could do to make it faster?
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