I use FOSFacebookBundle and FOSUserBundle with Symfony2 to manage my users. Everything works fine for me in place. However, when I pushed everything towards my intermediate environment, I noticed that the user was not saved (using the doctrine entity manager) during registration.
The first thing I checked was that I could save other things using the entity manager, which went fine. Then I continued and checked the logs and saw that there was an insert statement:
INSERT INTO user (username, username_canonical, email, email_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, locked, expired, expires_at, confirmation_token, password_requested_at, roles, credentials_expired, credentials_expire_at, firstname, lastname, facebookID, date_of_birth, locale, gender, has_profile_pic, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ({"1":"1234","2":"1234","3":" foo@gmail.com ","4":" foo@gmail.com ","5":true,"6":"","7":"","8":null,"9":0,"10":false,"11":null,"12":null,"13":null,"14":["ROLE_FACEBOOK"],"15":0,"16":null,"17":"Mr","18":"Foo","19":"1234","20":{"date":"1986-12-09 00:00:00","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"PRC"},"21":"nl_NL","22":"male","23":1,"24":{"date":"2012-07-06 01:34:47","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"PRC"},"25":{"date":"2012-07-06 01:34:47","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"PRC"}})
When I replace the question marks with the values ββof the finished statement and issue the request manually, everything works fine.
Has anyone realized what this could be? I would also be very pleased with the hints on how to further debug this, because I do not know where to look further ..
Thanks in advance!
I looked again at the mysql log and I noticed that the INSERT statement is prepared but never executed (as opposed to the select statement). I cannot find errors in the error log. Here's the mysql log:
34 Prepare SELECT t0.username AS username1, t0.username_canonical AS username_canonical2, t0.email AS email3, t0.email_canonical AS email_canonical4, t0.enabled AS enabled5, t0.salt AS salt6, t0.password AS password7, t0.last_login AS last_login8, t0.locked AS locked9, t0.expired AS expired10, t0.expires_at AS expires_at11, t0.confirmation_token AS confirmation_token12, t0.password_requested_at AS password_requested_at13, t0.roles AS roles14, t0.credentials_expired AS credentials_expired15, t0.credentials_expire_at AS credentials_expire_at16, t0.id AS id17, t0.firstname AS firstname18, t0.lastname AS lastname19, t0.facebookID AS facebookID20, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth21, t0.locale AS locale22, t0.gender AS gender23, t0.has_profile_pic AS has_profile_pic24, t0.created_at AS created_at25, t0.updated_at AS updated_at26 FROM user t0 WHERE t0.facebookID = ? 34 Execute SELECT t0.username AS username1, t0.username_canonical AS username_canonical2, t0.email AS email3, t0.email_canonical AS email_canonical4, t0.enabled AS enabled5, t0.salt AS salt6, t0.password AS password7, t0.last_login AS last_login8, t0.locked AS locked9, t0.expired AS expired10, t0.expires_at AS expires_at11, t0.confirmation_token AS confirmation_token12, t0.password_requested_at AS password_requested_at13, t0.roles AS roles14, t0.credentials_expired AS credentials_expired15, t0.credentials_expire_at AS credentials_expire_at16, t0.id AS id17, t0.firstname AS firstname18, t0.lastname AS lastname19, t0.facebookID AS facebookID20, t0.date_of_birth AS date_of_birth21, t0.locale AS locale22, t0.gender AS gender23, t0.has_profile_pic AS has_profile_pic24, t0.created_at AS created_at25, t0.updated_at AS updated_at26 FROM user t0 WHERE t0.facebookID = '1234' 34 Close stmt 34 Query START TRANSACTION 34 Prepare INSERT INTO user (username, username_canonical, email, email_canonical, enabled, salt, password, last_login, locked, expired, expires_at, confirmation_token, password_requested_at, roles, credentials_expired, credentials_expire_at, firstname, lastname, facebookID, date_of_birth, locale, gender, has_profile_pic, created_at, updated_at) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) 34 Close stmt 34 Query COMMIT 34 Quit
Any clues?
I registered some return values ββfor executing PDO statements in the doctrine library, and it turns out that I get a normal return value (1) in my dev environment. However, I get no return value in my production environment. It sounds like another hint, but I don't know what to do with it.
By the way, PDOStatement::errorCode
returns 00000 (indicating that everything went fine)