What devices should be considered when developing Android applications?

I'm new to Android, but I have some of the iPhone apps.

On iPhone, we are developing an application that supports iPhone / iPad.

In Android, which devices should we keep in mind since there are so many models that work on Android?


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Like the iPhone, Android does not have any standard resolution for any application.

But yes, in Android you have the option to save your user interface (layouts) or images (with the ability to draw) with different sizes to handle any resolution.

One of the problems that you will encounter at one time as an Android application developer is being developed for several screen sizes. There are many things to consider during your adventure in screen size. The following list below should help you keep track.

  • The size requirements for each icon in each density vary for each type of icon. You'll find startup icons, menu icons, status bar icons, tab icons, and more. All of them are built differently for each screen density. When creating these icons, refer to the Android Icon Design Rules .
  • Try to always use a density measurement (dip) that is independent of density when defining your user interface. It helps your application for different devices. A density-independent pixel is a virtual pixel that scales proportionally for each density screen.
  • Provide the supports-screens element in the AndroidManifest.xml file to help the Android market determine if your application is compatible with different screen sizes.
  • Provide graphics for high, medium, and low density devices. While this can increase development and design time, it will greatly improve the usability and appearance of your application.

Here are some guides: -

Multi screen support

Android Developer Guide for Multi-Screen Support

Design for Android tablets

Screen Size Management

And must read Android design templates

Hope this helps.

And Android Asset Studio is the best online tool for creating graphical assets of Android applications.


Answer: Nothing about permission to keep in mind when developing .. Android is built in this way

that it adapts to all resolutions if the hardware is compatible.


I offer you the following reading, it should help you get an overview of how Android handles various permissions.

Multi screen support

New tools for managing screen sizes


If you are developing an application using standard presentation controls, dip and dp answer is correct.

However, if you plan to develop a game, you will probably use a surface survey and make all the drawings yourself (because this is the fastest way if you need a good frame rate). Then you also need to scale everything that you draw yourself. My way to do this is to use the widht / height screen and the percentage when I need to draw something. Never use pixels. For instance. do not draw a circle with a radius of 32px (if you are trying on a 320x480 screen). Draw a circle with a radius (screenWidth * 0.1f) px. Use this for text size, bitmaps, etc.


You can see the statistics of Google . Although it says that 90% of the screens are Normal (at least 320x480), most of them are 400x800 and 400x854 ( source )


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/919591/

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