Additional ExtJS 4 code support in Aptana 3

I started using the ExtJS 4 framework to create a chart report in a web application development project. I am looking for updated code help for ExtJS 4 to free me from too much input. I tried to find it for a long time, but it looks like they are all out of date.

If someone uses ExtJS 4 code in Aptana (or some other IDE). Please give me your hand. Thanks!

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Excellent! Finally find this thread that answers my question. Download extjs4.1.beta-v0.1.sdocml you can add code hint to your ExtJS 4 Aptana project.

There are many instructions for adding the Spket plugin to Eclipse / Aptana to support ExtJS. But it just never works for me ... Not sure if anyone used it and developed it.

UPDATE I use WebStorm to develop ExtJS 4, it has very good ExtJS support. In fact, all js files included in the project can be identified in WebStorm, and thus a hint is provided.



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