The gradient descent and normal equation method for solving linear regression gives different solutions

I am working on a machine learning problem and want to use linear regression as a learning algorithm. I applied two different methods to search for theta parameters of a linear regression model: gradient (steep) descent and normal equation. According to the same data, they should give an approximately equal vector theta . However, they do not.

Both theta vectors are very similar to all elements except the first. This is the one used to multiply the vector of all 1 added to the data.

This is what theta looks like (the first column is derived from gradient descent, the second output of the normal equation):

 Grad desc Norm eq -237.7752 -4.6736 -5.8471 -5.8467 9.9174 9.9178 2.1135 2.1134 -1.5001 -1.5003 -37.8558 -37.8505 -1.1024 -1.1116 -19.2969 -19.2956 66.6423 66.6447 297.3666 296.7604 -741.9281 -744.1541 296.4649 296.3494 146.0304 144.4158 -2.9978 -2.9976 -0.8190 -0.8189 

What can cause the difference in theta(1, 1) returned by gradient descent compared to theta(1, 1) returned by the normal equation? Do I have a bug in the code?

Here is my implementation of the normal equation in Matlab:

 function theta = normalEque(X, y) [m, n] = size(X); X = [ones(m, 1), X]; theta = pinv(X'*X)*X'*y; end 

Here is the code for gradient descent:

 function theta = gradientDesc(X, y) options = optimset('GradObj', 'on', 'MaxIter', 9999); [theta, ~, ~] = fminunc(@(t)(cost(t, X, y)),... zeros(size(X, 2), 1), options); end function [J, grad] = cost(theta, X, y) m = size(X, 1); X = [ones(m, 1), X]; J = sum((X * theta - y) .^ 2) ./ (2*m); for i = 1:size(theta, 1) grad(i, 1) = sum((X * theta - y) .* X(:, i)) ./ m; end end 

I pass the same data X and y for both functions (I do not normalize X ).

Change 1:

Based on the answers and comments, I checked some of my codes and conducted some tests.

First I want to check if the problem can be the reason when X is close to singular, as suggested by @ user1489497 answer . So I replaced pinv with inv - and when I started, I really got a warning Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. . To make sure this is not a problem, I got a much larger dataset and tested the tests with this new dataset. This time inv(X) did not display a warning, and the same results were obtained with pinv and inv . Therefore, I hope that X no longer close to singular .

Then I changed the normalEque code as suggested on woodchips , so now it looks like this:

 function theta = normalEque(X, y) X = [ones(size(X, 1), 1), X]; theta = pinv(X)*y; end 

However, the problem still exists . The new normalEque function for new data that is not close to singular distinguishes theta as gradientDesc .

To find out which algorithm is a mistake, I performed a linear regression algorithm for Weka data mining software using the same data. Weka computed theta very similar to the output of normalEque , but different from the output of gradientDesc . Therefore, I assume that normalEque correct and there is an error in gradientDesc .

Here is a comparison of theta computed by Weka, normalEque and gradientDesc :

 Weka(correct) normalEque gradientDesc 779.8229 779.8163 302.7994 1.6571 1.6571 1.7064 1.8430 1.8431 2.3809 -1.5945 -1.5945 -1.5964 3.8190 3.8195 5.7486 -4.8265 -4.8284 -11.1071 -6.9000 -6.9006 -11.8924 -15.6956 -15.6958 -13.5411 43.5561 43.5571 31.5036 -44.5380 -44.5386 -26.5137 0.9935 0.9926 1.2153 -3.1556 -3.1576 -1.8517 -0.1927 -0.1919 -0.6583 2.9207 2.9227 1.5632 1.1713 1.1710 1.1622 0.1091 0.1093 0.0084 1.5768 1.5762 1.6318 -1.3968 -1.3958 -2.1131 0.6966 0.6963 0.5630 0.1990 0.1990 -0.2521 0.4624 0.4624 0.2921 -12.6013 -12.6014 -12.2014 -0.1328 -0.1328 -0.1359 

I also calculated the errors suggested by Justin Peel . The output of normalEque gives a slightly less square error, but the difference is marginal. Which is more , when I calculate theta gradient of cost using the cost function (same as for gradientDesc ), I got a gradient near zero . Same as the output of gradientDesc , does not give a gradient near zero. Here is what I mean:

 >> [J_gd, grad_gd] = cost(theta_gd, X, y, size(X, 1)); >> [J_ne, grad_ne] = cost(theta_ne, X, y, size(X, 1)); >> disp([J_gd, J_ne]) 120.9932 119.1469 >> disp([grad_gd, grad_ne]) -0.005172856743846 -0.000000000908598 -0.026126463200876 -0.000000135414602 -0.008365136595272 -0.000000140327001 -0.094516503056041 -0.000000169627717 -0.028805977931093 -0.000000045136985 -0.004761477661464 -0.000000005065103 -0.007389474786628 -0.000000005010731 0.065544198835505 -0.000000046847073 0.044205371015018 -0.000000046169012 0.089237705611538 -0.000000046081288 -0.042549228192766 -0.000000051458654 0.016339232547159 -0.000000037654965 -0.043200042729041 -0.000000051748545 0.013669010209370 -0.000000037399261 -0.036586854750176 -0.000000027931617 -0.004761447097231 -0.000000027168798 0.017311225027280 -0.000000039099380 0.005650124339593 -0.000000037005759 0.016225097484138 -0.000000039060168 -0.009176443862037 -0.000000012831350 0.055653840638386 -0.000000020855391 -0.002834810081935 -0.000000006540702 0.002794661393905 -0.000000032878097 

This assumes that the gradient descent simply does not converge to a global minimum ... But this is hardly the case, as I run it for thousands of iterations. So where is the mistake?

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4 answers

Finally, I managed to get back to this. There is no "error."

If the matrix is ​​singular, then there are infinitely many solutions. You can choose any solution from this set and get an equally good answer. The pinv (X) * y solution is good, which many people like, because it is a minimum rate solution.

NEVER ACCEPTED to use inv (X) * y. Even worse, use the inverse of normal equations, so inv (X '* X) * X' * y is just numerical crap. I don’t care who told you to use it, they direct you to the wrong place. (Yes, it will work acceptable for problems that are well-conditioned, but most of the time you don’t know when it is going to give you shit. So why use it?)

Normal equations tend to do poorly, EVEN if you solve a regularized problem. There are ways to do this in order to avoid squaring the number of system conditions, although I won’t explain them if I don’t ask how I received this answer long enough.

X \ y will also give a reasonable result.

There is absolutely no good reason to throw an unrestrained optimizer into a problem, as this will lead to unstable results, completely depending on your initial values.

As an example, I will start with a particular problem.

 X = repmat([1 2],5,1); y = rand(5,1); >> X\y Warning: Rank deficient, rank = 1, tol = 2.220446e-15. ans = 0 0.258777984694222 >> pinv(X)*y ans = 0.103511193877689 0.207022387755377 

pinv and backslash return slightly different solutions. As it turned out, there is a basic solution to which we can add ANY amount of zero space vector for row space X.

 null(X) ans = 0.894427190999916 -0.447213595499958 

pinv generates a minimum rate solution. Of all the solutions that could lead to this, this minimum has a minimum 2-norm.

In contrast, a backslash generates a solution that will have one or more variables set to zero.

But if you use an unlimited optimizer, it will generate a solution that is completely dependent on your initial values. Again, ANY amount of this zero vector can be added to your solution, and you still have a fully operational solution with the same value of the sum of the squared errors.

Please note that although the return to the singularity does not return, this does not mean that your matrix is ​​not close to the only one. You changed the problem a bit, so it is STILL closed, just not enough to trigger a warning.


As mentioned above, a poorly conditioned hessian matrix is ​​probably the cause of your problem.

The number of steps that apply standard gradient descent algorithms to achieve a local optimum is a function of the largest eigenvalue of the Hessian divided by the smallest (this is known as the condition number of the Hessian). So, if your matrix is ​​poorly conditioned, then gradient descent may require a very large number of iterations to converge to the optimum. (For a singular case, of course, he could converge to many points.)

I would suggest trying three different things to make sure that an unconditional optimization algorithm works for your problem (what he needs): 1) Generate some synthetic data by calculating the result of a known linear function for random inputs and adding a small amount of Gaussian noise. Make sure you have many more data points than sizes. This should produce a non-singular Hessian. 2) Add regularization conditions to your error function to increase the condition number for hessian. 3) Use a second-order method, such as a conjugate gradient or L-BFGS, rather than gradient descent, to reduce the number of steps required to bring the algorithm closer. (You probably need to do this in combination with C # 2).


Could you post a little more about what X looks like? You are using pinv (), which is Moore-Penrose pseudo-version. If the matrix is ​​poorly conditioned, it can cause problems with getting the opposite. I would argue that the gradient descent method is closer to the sign.


You should see which method actually gives you the least error. This will indicate which method is struggling. I suspect that the normal equation method is a problematic solution, because if X is badly conditioned, you may have some problems.

You should probably replace your normal equation with theta = X\y , which will use the QR decomposition method to solve it.



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