What you need is one of the many kuchapp tools. Basically, they all map a bunch of js files in various structures into the doc design layout used by CouchDB, and usually provide some simple push / pull mechanisms for entering and exiting them.
Then you can git init in the main folder and make sure that you are updating your uploaded project documents.
There's a pretty good explanation http://mindeavor.com/blog/the-anatomy-of-a-couchapp just ignores the provider / discussion at the moment, it is not required.
If you look more like JS / node, try https://github.com/mikeal/node.couchapp.js/ or kanso http://kan.so/ is awesome, but it does a lot more; You may find that you need more Couch-fu before you get into it. This is excellent, however, you can get it just by using kanso push
to get started.
If you just want to get started, use couchapp http://github.com/couchapp/couchapp , which is a python tool, possibly original.
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