Dynamic content with Jekyll

I am thinking of using Jekyll as a blogging mechanism for an upcoming project. However, I need a small part of the website to be dynamic, using some kind of server-side language (Ruby, PHP, Node.js, etc.).

I want the posts to be static, as expected from Jekyll, however at the bottom of the page I have a piece of content that should randomly rotate on every page load. I do not want to use JavaScript for this.

Is this possible in Jekyll?

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3 answers

You can use the server-side . You may need to configure the server or change the extension of the generated files to .shtml.

Jekyll should generate this when you need to insert dynamic content:

<!--#include virtual="dynamic.rb" --> 

dynamic.rb must display valid html to display.


If you don't want to use javascript at all, you can put dynamic content on another server and then paste it into your jekyll site using an iframe.


No, Jekyll only creates static pages. You will need to use JavaScript for any dynamic content.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/919229/

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