Symfony2: How to make php_intl extension available for Symfony2?

I am trying to follow this symfony documentation:

OK, so here is my thing, I implemented my form and created a special form class to process the process and the possibility of its reuse.

So what happens when I submit the form, no matter what information is suitable or not for my class, I get this fatal error:

Fatal error: calling setAttribute () member function for non-object in C: \ Program Files (X86) \ WAMP \ WWW \ QNetworks \ provider \ Symfony \ SRC \ Symfony \ Component \ Form \ Extension \ Kernel \ DataTransformer \ NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer. php on line 130 call stack

I am working with php 5.3.9 and my internal extension is installed and activated, but when I run the app / check.php command, I see:

[[WARNING]] Check for internal extension availability: FAILED

* Install and enable the intl extension (used for validators) *

So, I do not understand what the problem is with this extension. Should I reinstall it? When I go here: I see that I can install the PECL or ICU library, but I do not know if I should, and if there is any connection with my problem.

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3 answers

Your internal extension must be properly configured. Check on your server if this is really activated using phpinfo ()

and then activate php.ini logging:

[intl] intl.error_level = E_WARNING extension=php_intl.dll 

and check the logs

If activated, this may be a malfunction. Try reloading the dll in c: \ PHP \ ext \ php_intl.dll


Take care you have two php.ini:

  • * WAMP \ Bin \ PHP \ php5.3.13
  • * WAMP \ Bin \ Apache \ apache2.2.22 \ Bin

you must uncomment the extension = php_intl.dll in both.


After enabling the built-in extension, you need to copy some files to the apache bin directory. This may help you:



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