Rails 3 i18n as * not * avoiding newlines

I use i18n in my .text.haml mailer templates and I want to have a line in en.yml with a new line, but t () always escapes them even if I use html_safe or the key name suffix using _html.

Is there any way to do this?

p3_html: > You love monkeys: \n- You look like one \n- Your smell like one \n- Your account has been flagged 

In my html.haml template:

 != t('emails.post.twitter_forbidden.p3_html').html_safe 

No matter what \ n is hiding. I cannot use% br or anything else because these are text patterns. I know that I can break it down into 4 lines of i18n, but that would be very sad.

By the way, I checked, and this i18n escapes, not haml.

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5 answers

You can do something like this:

t('emails.post.twitter_forbidden.p3_html').html_safe.gsub("\n", '<br/>')

As far as I know, this is the only way.


Actually, after some digging, I found the simple_format .



A couple of options here: As mentioned above, simple_format will help. Format your yml file as follows:

  p3_html: | Some text: - Point 1 - Point 2 - Point 3 

And then use

  =simple_format t(:p3_html) 

This will give you something like

  <p>Some text <br> - Point 1 <br> - Point 2 <br> - Point 3 </p> 

Or if you want a new paragraph to appear on each line:

  p3_html: | Some text: - Point 1 - Point 2 - Point 3 

Which should give you the following:

  <p>Some text</p> <p>- Point 1</p> <p>- Point 2</p> <p>- Point 3</p> 

or something like this more flexible

  <% t(:p3_html).each_line do |line| %> <li>= |line|</li> <% end %> 

Allows you to enter various formatting:

  <li>- Point 1</li> <li>- Point 2</li> <li>- Point 3</li> 

The final option is to use an array in yaml:

  p3_html: - Some text: - - Point 1 - - Point 2 - - Point 3 <% t(:p3_html).each do |line| %> <p>= |line|</p> <% end %> 

Possibly cleaner, although I think it will play hell with hellish commas, and the advantage over this version is that you can switch between formats without having to change your yaml


I18n just uses yaml, and yaml can have arrays. :-)

So, I would study the possibility of using this parameter.

In your yaml file you will have a key named p3_html

 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML#Lists_of_associative_arrays p3_html: - some text - some more text - some more more text 

And then in your haml view you will have this HAML code:

 = t('p3_html').each do |x| %p= x 

Or in one line if you prefer

 = t('p3_html').each {|x| haml_tag :p, x } 

Also remember, if you move this to a helper, you probably have to use the haml_concat helper in front of your ruby ​​variable. I'm not sure.

You will also need to adjust the relative / absolute name of your yaml translate t ('p3_html') variable for your application name.

Hope this helps!


Just, just do it to get the text in a new line:


 long_text: | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Consectetur adipisicing elit. 

application / views / sample / file.html.erb

 <%= simple_format t(:'long_text') %> 

See: http://apidock.com/rails/ActionView/Helpers/TextHelper/simple_format


I ended up using tags in locale files:

 a: b: "Some <br /> thing" 

And then in the template I have them .html_safe :

 <%= t('a.b').html_safe %> 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/919183/

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