Why doesn't my eclipse project have a build path?

What is the advantage of not having a build path in eclipse? Why is this setting used by default when it is like something you never used? The indigo eclipse seems to have been designed to make software development as obscure as possible. I just checked a new copy of the project that I checked today (called dungeonworld) from another computer and it’s not working automatically, can’t compile, can’t choose the build path, can’t add jre, can’t add jdk, can’t add this to project properties.

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Is my eclipse destroyed? I can’t believe that this is happening, such an easy thing is impossible.

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9 answers

It seems that you did not add the Eclipse project metadata files to your version control system, so Eclipse does not know what your build path is, or even the Java project. You can see that in the small folder on your dungeonworld project there is no small "j", which means that Eclipse does not consider this a Java project.

Go back to another computer and find the following files in the source root of the project ...

  • .project
  • .classpath
  • .settings / *

Make sure everything is over on your version control system or nothing will work correctly.


Nothing above the solutions worked for me, so I tried below

Right click on the project -> properties -> project facet -> click on java

enter image description here


I have the same problem, but I solved

right click -> properties -> java build path -> src / main / sources

all deleted items are deleted, and then this item rotates the status to (None)


I tried to follow the steps and it works for me.

Right click on the project -> properties -> project facet -> click on java


Eclipse has a build path. It is stored in a file (hidden by default) .classpath in your project. You can also access it through the user interface in the project properties (right-click on the project, properties, Java build path).


Well, this is probably not your problem, but this happens if you are in Eclipse from a different perspective (e.g. for Python).

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Where there are no entries after right-clicking on my project in Eclipse. How to click something, wenn build path entries are missing. So my Eclpise did not detect my java project. I used the following Maven command, and after that I also cleaned up the project. Projekt now works as expected. So that...

If you are using Maven, try mvn eclipse: eclipse in the cmd console in the projects directory! Be sure to use the path to the Maven folder for this command.

For instance:

cd C:\yourEclipseProject\ C:\yourPathToMaven\apache-maven-2.2.1\bin\mvn eclipse:eclipse 

It helps me. After an unsuccessful web research, an employee told me this advice.


I don’t know the reason. But it works for me, so post it.

Right-click on the project → “Properties” → “Java Build Path”.

enter image description here

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Incorrect use of IDE-related files in the source control. What if someone on the team uses a different IDE? Perhaps this was only an option when the OP asked this question.

Newer versions on eclipse (4.x) will take care of this automatically. Perhaps by observing what source and assembly files you have in your project.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/919180/

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