You can create your own timestamping service. You can write a TSP server (RFC 3161), but Authenticode does not use RFC 3161 formats, but PKCS # 7 / PKCS # 9, as described in the MSDN article (which you can also implement). Our SecureBlackbox components include a timestamping server component that supports both formats. Update: Recent Authenticode updates use the standard RFC 3161 timestamps.
But the problem is getting a certificate that you will use to sign timestamps. This certificate should be issued by one of the certification authorities, and, as I understand it, there are serious requirements for the management and infrastructure aspects of the timestamp server. In particular, you need to have safe temporary equipment. I did not delve into this question, but these aspects are much more complicated than writing a piece of code.
However, if you run your own PKI infrastructure (you have your own trusted root certificates and CA certificates), the problem with a reliable timestamping certificate will be solved automatically - you can create your own certificate.
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