Yes, you can. MySQL supports regex ( ), and you must use a trigger to validate the data, since MySQL does not support the CHECK constraint (you can always go to PostgreSQL in as an alternative :). NB! Keep in mind that although MySQL has a CHECK constraint construct, unfortunately MySQL (so far 5.6) does not check data for control constraints. According to : "The CHECK clause is parsed, but ignored by all storage engines."
You can add a control restriction for the telephone column:
CREATE TABLE data ( phone varchar(100) ); DELIMITER $$ CREATE TRIGGER trig_phone_check BEFORE INSERT ON data FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF ( REGEXP '^(\\+?[0-9]{1,4}-)?[0-9]{3,10}$' ) = 0 THEN SIGNAL SQLSTATE '12345' SET MESSAGE_TEXT = 'Wroooong!!!'; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ; INSERT INTO data VALUES ('+64-221221442');
However, you should not rely solely on MySQL (the data layer in your case) to validate the data. Data must be verified at all levels of your application.
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