Android DownloadManager with POST method?

I started working with and ran into a problem.
By default, the DM sends an HTTP GET request to download the file:

GET HTTP / 1.1
Cookie: id = sdfsdf; Max-Age = 10,800,000; Path = /
Host: ___
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: AndroidDownloadManager Paros / 3.2.13
Content Length: 0

But I need to send some data to the request (e.g. json string)
Is there a way to send an HTTP POST request to the DownloadManager

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1 answer

Expecting an even more accurate answer:

I don’t think you can add data to this request, because, as you said, this is a GET request, not a POST .

Maybe this thread can give you a hint of another way to achieve what you want if Download-Manager not absolutely necessary: How to upload a file with a username using HttpURLConnection



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