Xcode for Snow Leopard: where to get

I have an Apple laptop with Snow Leopard (10.6.7), and I need Xcode with the latest version of the SDK. However, going to Apple, all I can find is Xcode 4.3, which is for the latest Mac OS X.

Can I find a version of Xcode that will work on my version of Mac OS X?

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3 answers

Visit the Apple Xcode page .

Once you click View Downloads and log in, you must have access to previous versions of Xcode.


None of the above suggestions worked as of July 2018, although the following link (developer access required) should help succeed for OS X 10.6.8 (using the updater v1.1 from Software Update): https: // download.developer. apple.com/Developer_Tools/xcode_3.2.2_developer_tools_beta_20728/xcode322_2148_developerdvd.dmg


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918999/

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