How to automatically uninstall my Delphi program? I tried this code:
procedure DeleteSelf; var module : HMODULE; buf : array [ 0 .. MAX_PATH - 1 ] of char; p : ULONG; hKrnl32 : HMODULE; pExitProcess, pDeleteFile, pFreeLibrary : pointer; begin module := GetModuleHandle ( nil ); GetModuleFileName ( module, buf, sizeof ( buf ) ); CloseHandle ( THandle ( 4 ) ); p := ULONG ( module ) + 1; hKrnl32 := GetModuleHandle ( 'kernel32' ); pExitProcess := GetProcAddress ( hKrnl32, 'ExitProcess' ); pDeleteFile := GetProcAddress ( hKrnl32, 'DeleteFileA' ); pFreeLibrary := GetProcAddress ( hKrnl32, 'FreeLibrary' ); asm lea eax, buf push 0 push 0 push eax push pExitProcess push p push pDeleteFile push pFreeLibrary ret end; end;
But this will not work, do not delete the file. My program is a console. Thanks!
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