What azure service should I choose for my node.js application?

I am new to azure cloud for Microsoft Windows and want to run my node.js app in cloud blue. I read the azure node.js Developer Center window ( https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/nodejs/ ) and it seems that my application can work in the azure cloud in several ways.

Which azure option is suitable for my node.js application if I want to deploy quickly with less azure knowledge?

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5 answers

If you are new to Windows Azure but know the Node.js developer well, you can use Windows Azure to write your Node.js application.

You have the following options:

  • Windows Azure Websites (Preview) -
    • FREE only if shared, and if RESERVED there is some cost associated with it
    • Great if you are a Linux or Mac user.
    • Node.js App Launched on Windows Server Farm
    • You can use git to deploy Node.js application
  • Windows Azure Cloud Services

    • Ideal for applications that divide logic into multiple layers using both Web and work roles
    • This is a PAID service.
    • You can use PowerShell to deploy directly with Windows Machine
    • Node.js will run on Windows Server 2008
    • You will have the RDP feature for your Windows Azure VM.
  • Windows Azure Virtual Machines (Preview) -

    • Thus, you can create the launch of your Node.js application on Microsoft Windows or Linux computers (Suse, CentOS, Ubuntu) or download your own Linux virtual virtual machine, which is already fully installed using the Node.js application
    • In a Windows machine, you can use RDP on your computer and install the Node.js application
    • With a Linux machine, you can use Putty to connect your Linux Machine on command, and then install the application and other packages.
    • Currently, even with the preview mode, there is some price associated with it.

Since you are new to Windows Azure, I suggest you try using the FREE Windows Azure Websites Shared , because you don’t have to deal with Windows Azure much and you can start the application instantly. This may be the easiest method from the above 3 options, and then you can switch to another simply by redirecting the application.

If you decide to use the Cloud Service, you can use the Cloud9 IDE to publish the Node.js app directly to Windows Azure Cloud Services in your subscription.


Here you can find the decision tree: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/jj991974.aspx


What options are you considering? I can think of two: “cloud services” or “websites”. The latter is probably a simpler and cheaper option, assuming you are building a web application. The first gives you full-blown virtual machines that support your application, on which you can run everything (including "workers" that process data in the background or applications that exchange data via web sockets or even raw TCP). It is more powerful, but it is also more difficult to use, slower to deploy and costs more money than a generic “website”.

  • Sign up for a free trial of Windows Azure in 90 days https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/pricing/free-trial/

  • Log in to the Portal at: https://manage.windowsazure.com

  • Go to the Virtual Machines tab and click "Create Virtual Machine" to create a Windows virtual machine.

  • On the drawer, select "Quick Create", then enter your DNS name, image [Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1], administrator password, size [Small (1 core, 1.75 GB memory)], location (US west). Finish by clicking on the Create Virtual Machine button.

  • After completing the settings, you can connect to your virtual machine via the remote desktop protocol by clicking the "Connect" button on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.

  • Be sure to install a modern browser, such as Firefox, to avoid annoying default security settings in IE, then proceed with downloading and installing node - js msi, just like on your desktop.

  • Happy hack!


The fastest way to get started is to use Windows Azure Web Sites. You get a website that is already configured to run node.js. You simply use ftp or git commands to push your code to a folder to delete your site.

You can use a Mac, PC, or Linux as your development machine. This tutorial (using mac) shows the fastest way to get started: https://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/nodejs/tutorials/create-a-website-(mac)/



Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918987/

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