Enable Magento Varien_Profiler in admin area

How to enable Magento Profiler in admin area?

I set the admin parameter, added Varien_Profiler::enable(); before Mage::run($mageRunCode, $mageRunType); and cleared the cache, but the profiler results are displayed only in the interface?

Did I miss something else?

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1 answer

Make sure that the profiler is also enabled in the default configuration area under System> Configuration> Developer, and that the developer IP address restrictions are empty or configured correctly.

Edit:. Based on the fact that this is an accepted answer, it does not cost anything that the "default area" in the system configuration will store values ​​in relation to the storage area identifier 0, which is the storage area that the administration areas use.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918927/

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