Count the number of times each bit is set to a range of integers

Given an integer range from M to N, where M and N may not be permissions 2. Is there an efficient way to count the number of times a bit is set?

For example, a range from 0 to 10

0 0000 1 0001 2 0010 3 0011 4 0100 5 0101 6 0110 7 0111 8 1000 9 1001 10 1010 

I would like the count of the amount of time for each bit to be set in each column, which in this case would be 3,4,5,5.

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2 answers

Each bit level has a pattern consisting of 2^power 0s followed by 2^power 1s.

So there are three cases:

  • When M and N are such that M = 0 mod 2^(power+1) and N = 2^(power+1)-1 mod 2^(power+1) . In this case, the answer is simply (N-M+1) / 2

  • When M and N are such that both M and N = the same number when the integer is divisible by 2^(power+1) . In this case, there are several subcases:

    • Both M and N are such that both M and N = the same number when the integer is divisible by 2^(power) . In this case, if N < 2^(power) mod 2^(power+1) , then the answer will be 0 , otherwise the answer will be N-M+1
    • Otherwise they are different, in this case the answer is N - (N/2^(power+1))*2^(power+1) + 2**(power) (integer division) if N > 2^(power) mod 2^(power+1) , otherwise the answer is (M/2^(power+1))*2^(power+1) - 1 - M
  • The last case is where M and N = different numbers when the integer is divisible by 2^(power+1) . In this case, you can combine methods 1 and 2. Find the number of numbers between M and (M/(2^(power+1)) + 1)*(2^(power+1)) - 1 . Then between (M/(2^(power+1)) + 1)*(2^(power+1)) and (N/(2^(power+1)))*2^(power+1)-1 . And finally, between (N/(2^(power+1)))*2^(power+1) and N

If this answer has logical errors, let me know, it's complicated, and I may have messed up a bit.


python implementation

 def case1(M, N): return (N - M + 1) // 2 def case2(M, N, power): if (M > N): return 0 if (M // 2**(power) == N // 2**(power)): if (N % 2**(power+1) < 2**(power)): return 0 else: return N - M + 1 else: if (N % 2**(power+1) >= 2**(power)): return N - (getNextLower(N,power+1) + 2**(power)) + 1 else: return getNextHigher(M, power+1) - M def case3(M, N, power): return case2(M, getNextHigher(M, power+1) - 1, power) + case1(getNextHigher(M, power+1), getNextLower(N, power+1)-1) + case2(getNextLower(N, power+1), N, power) def getNextLower(M, power): return (M // 2**(power))*2**(power) def getNextHigher(M, power): return (M // 2**(power) + 1)*2**(power) def numSetBits(M, N, power): if (M % 2**(power+1) == 0 and N % 2**(power+1) == 2**(power+1)-1): return case1(M,N) if (M // 2**(power+1) == N // 2**(power+1)): return case2(M,N,power) else: return case3(M,N,power) if (__name__ == "__main__"): print numSetBits(0,10,0) print numSetBits(0,10,1) print numSetBits(0,10,2) print numSetBits(0,10,3) print numSetBits(0,10,4) print numSetBits(5,18,0) print numSetBits(5,18,1) print numSetBits(5,18,2) print numSetBits(5,18,3) print numSetBits(5,18,4) 

It can be saved as easy as

Take x1 = 0001 (to find 1 in the rightmost column), x2 = 0010, x3 = 0100, etc.

Now, in one cycle -

 n1 = n2 = n3 = 0 for i=m to n: n1 = n1 + (i & x1) n2 = n2 + (i & x2) n3 = n3 + (i & x3) 

where - ni = number 1 in the i-th column (right)



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