I am trying to model the responses from the REST API as case classes for which I can use pattern matching.
I thought it would be well suited for inheritance, but I see that it is deprecated. I know that there are already questions related to case classes and inheritance, but my question is about how you could model the next "correct path" here without inheritance.
I started with the following two classes that work great:
case class Body(contentType: String, content: String) case class Response(statusCode: Int, body: Body)
i.e. the REST call will return with something like:
Response(200, Body("application/json", """{ "foo": "bar" }"""))
which I could match as:
response match { case Response(200, Body("application/json", json)) => println(json) case Response(200, Body("text/xml", xml)) => println(xml) case Response(_,_) => println("Something unexpected") }
etc .. which works great.
Where I encountered difficulties, I would like to get helper extensions for these case classes, for example:
case class OK(body: Body) extends Response(200, body) case class NotFound() extends Response(404, Body("text/plain", "Not Found")) case class JSON(json: String) extends Body("application/json", json) case class XML(xml: String) extends Body("text/xml", xml)
so that I can do simplified pattern matches as follows:
response match { case OK(JSON(json)) => println(json) case OK(XML(xml)) => println(xml) case NotFound() => println("Something is not there")
and which will also allow my REST code to directly use and return:
Response(code, Body(contentType, content))
which is easier to build an answer dynamically.
I can get it to compile (with deprecation warnings) with:
case class OK(override val body: Body) extends Response(200, body)
However, this does not seem to work with pattern matching.
Response(200, Body("application/json", "")) match { case OK(_) => ":-)" case _ => ":-(" } res0: java.lang.String = :-(
Any ideas on how this might work? I am open to different approaches, but it was my attempt to find practical application for class classes