Run an HTTP request to return an HTTPartyResponse using Net :: HTTPResponse

I am trying to write the rspec specification to verify that my logic can handle a specific Net :: HTTPResponse that has a 401 status code. Since I use HTTParty, .get will return me HTTPartyResponse, ll get Net :: HTTPResponse with httparty_repsonse_object.response.

net_response_object =, 401, 'Forbidden') #not sure what to do here? write a test double to return a net_response_object? stub_request(:any, / 
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2 answers

I realized that this is the right way

 it 'will test this' do stub_request(:any, / => [401, "Forbidden"]) ... end 

HTTParty should parse the HTTP push response and return an HTTPartyResponse to me.


You can use Webmock , which supports mocking HTTParty requests.



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