The official Android web page recommends using the official Sun / Oracle JDK, which you can download at , using OpenJDK is unsupported and extremely unmanageable.
You do not need to install the official JDK on your system, if this is what you are worried about, just download the * .bin version of the JDK of your choice (I offer version 1.6), unzip everything by executing * .bin in the terminal and just changing 2 variables environment as follows:
, add the path to the jdk path_to_jdk/bin/
to your PATH
, install JAVA_HOME
in the shared path of your jdk, and not in the bin
or lib
path, as before without bin, only path_to_jdk /
you can change these variables by editing /etc/bash.bashrc
or your local .bashrc
, I suggest editing the file under /etc
You also want to remove your real OpenJDK from your system.
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