I am trying to mimic the memberOf Active Directory attribute in Apache Directory. I added the following entry for memberOf to the LDIF file:
dn: m-oid=,ou=attributeTypes,cn=other,ou=schema m-usage: USER_APPLICATIONS m-equality: distinguishedNameMatch objectClass: metaAttributeType objectClass: metaTop objectClass: top m-name: memberOf m-oid: m-obsolete: FALSE m-noUserModification: FALSE m-syntax:
When I start ApacheDS, the following warning is logged:
WARN [ContainerBackgroundProcessor[StandardEngine[Catalina]]] entry.ServerStringValue - Cannot normalize the value :Encountered name based id of memberOf which was not found in the OID registry
This causes problems later because my application is trying to use the memberOf attribute as a search filter.
Is there something wrong with the way I specified the LDIF record?
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