JQuery blur event fires twice in Chrome

I created a simple "endless" form with input fields. Each time the empty input is focused, it creates a new one, and when the empty input field is eroded, the field is deleted.

See an example here.

I use the following code to make this all happen:

var $input = $('<div/>').html( $('<input/>').addClass('value') ); $('form').append( $input.clone() ); $('form').on( 'focus', 'input.value', function(e) { // Add new input if the focused one is empty if(!$.trim(this.value).length) { $('form').append( $input.clone() ); } }).on( 'blur', 'input.value', function(e) { var $this = $(this); if( !$.trim(this.value).length ) { console.log('REMOVING INPUT'); $this.parent().remove(); } else { $this.attr('name', 'item-'+$this.val()); } }); 

However, the problem is that in Chrome, the blur event is fired twice when I switch to another application ( ⌘ tab ). This gives an error because it is not possible to remove the node since it is already gone:

 Uncaught Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR: DOM Exception 8 

Firefox is working fine.

So why does the blur event fire twice and how can I prevent this?

EDIT - tried the answer in this question , but no luck. Still getting an error message in Chrome, what am I doing wrong?

See updated script

Is there a way to check if an item still exists? Since the second time the blur fires, the node is removed. $(this).length is still nonzero.

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2 answers

This seems like a bug in Blink, there is a bug report on the Chromium project page: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=253253


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918824/

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