Wix - shortcut for website

I am new to wix. You must create a shortcut for the local website.

It works fine and creates shorcuts, but it doesn’t show the icons in the Start menu and on the desktop ... There is a favicon file on the website, and when I open the website, I see it perfectly - I just don't see it in the shortcut . I tried to do this, but I did not find a good answer to use: InternetShortcut ..

My code is:

<DirectoryRef Id="ApplicationProgramsFolder"> <Component Id="ApplicationShortcutBBBApp" Guid="---"> <util:InternetShortcut Id="ApplicationStartMenuShortcutBBBApp" Name="BBB" Target="http://localhost/BBB"/> <util:InternetShortcut Id="ApplicationDesktopShortcutBBBApp" Name="BBB" Directory="DesktopFolder" Target="http://localhost/BBB"/> <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="Software\Microsoft\BBB" Name="installed" Type="integer" Value="1" KeyPath="yes"/> </Component> </DirectoryRef> 
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3 answers

InternetShortcut does not support specifying an icon, such as a regular shortcut. To do this, open the function request here. Technically, Windows IUniformResourceLocator shortcuts do not support badges, although IShellLink shortcuts do.


There is an easier solution to this problem. Instead of using InternetShortcut, you can just use a regular shortcut and use the trick to set the target as url.

 <SetProperty Id="URL" Value="http://yourpage.com" Sequence="execute" Before="CreateShortcuts" /> <Shortcut Directory="DesktopFolder" Id="WebShortcut" Name="Your Page" Description="Your Page Description" Target="[URL]" Icon="IconDesktop"> <Icon Id="IconDesktop" SourceFile="images\icon.ico" /> </Shortcut> 

"SetProperty" can be placed anywhere in your Product tag. Instead of InternetShortcut, place a Shortcut. It is important to have the [URL] property as the target. As a property, this could be a URL. It is written that this does not work. There may be warnings in the heat / candles / lights, they can be ignored.


He answered this a bit late, but just had to do the same. The approach I took was to use the iniFile element to extract the url file.

Two points of interest with this approach:

  • Since the shortcut is on the desktop, and the icon file is located elsewhere in the file system, I needed to create separate components for deploying the icon file.
  • If MSI starts as a regular user with UAC enabled, the icon is not set for the shortcut. As soon as I disabled UAC before installation, the icon was installed correctly.

     <Fragment> <DirectoryRef Id="DesktopFolder"> <Component Id="ProductInternetShortcut" Guid="{YOUR_GUID_HERE}" > <IniFile Id="url_name" Action="addLine" Directory="DesktopFolder" Section="InternetShortcut" Name="ProductInternetShortcut.url" Key="URL" Value="https://my.url.com/" /> <IniFile Id="url_target" Action="addLine" Directory="DesktopFolder" Section="InternetShortcut" Name="ProductInternetShortcut.url" Key="Target" Value="https://my.url.com/" /> <IniFile Id="url_idlist" Action="createLine" Directory="DesktopFolder" Section="InternetShortcut" Name="ProductInternetShortcut.url" Key="IDList" Value=" " /> <IniFile Id="url_HotKey" Action="addLine" Directory="DesktopFolder" Section="InternetShortcut" Name="ProductInternetShortcut.url" Key="HotKey" Value="0" /> <IniFile Id="url_icon" Action="addLine" Directory="DesktopFolder" Section="InternetShortcut" Name="ProductInternetShortcut.url" Key="IconFile" Value="PATH_TO_ICON_FILE_ON_WORKSTATION" /> <IniFile Id="url_iconIndex" Action="addLine" Directory="DesktopFolder" Section="InternetShortcut" Name="ProductInternetShortcut.url" Key="IconIndex" Value="0" /> <RegistryValue Root="HKCU" Key="Software\COMPANY\PRODUCT" Name="installed" Type="integer" Value="1" KeyPath="yes" /> </Component> </DirectoryRef> <DirectoryRef Id="ProductFolder"> <Component Id="ShortcutIcons" Guid="{YOUR_GUID_HERE}"> <File Id="filProductIcons" KeyPath="yes" Source="PATH_TO_ICON_FILE_ON_DEVELOPER_MACHINE" /> </Component> </DirectoryRef> </Fragment> 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918661/

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