There is an easier solution to this problem. Instead of using InternetShortcut, you can just use a regular shortcut and use the trick to set the target as url.
<SetProperty Id="URL" Value="" Sequence="execute" Before="CreateShortcuts" /> <Shortcut Directory="DesktopFolder" Id="WebShortcut" Name="Your Page" Description="Your Page Description" Target="[URL]" Icon="IconDesktop"> <Icon Id="IconDesktop" SourceFile="images\icon.ico" /> </Shortcut>
"SetProperty" can be placed anywhere in your Product tag. Instead of InternetShortcut, place a Shortcut. It is important to have the [URL] property as the target. As a property, this could be a URL. It is written that this does not work. There may be warnings in the heat / candles / lights, they can be ignored.
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