Drawing a circle of radius R around a point

I use gnuplot and I wonder if it is possible to draw a circle of radius R around a given point (x, y)?

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1 answer

If you do not want to draw a circle, you can use the set object circle command. You use it like this:

 set object X circle at axis 0,0 size scr 0.1 fc rgb "navy" 

This will lead to the blue circle of the fleet at the origin with a radius of 0.1 of the screen (canvas) size. Please note that when you specify the position / radius for the circle, you must indicate which coordinate system you use: first corresponds to the first coordinate system xy, scr (short for screen ) - for screen coordinates. You can learn more by looking in the documentation for drawing circles.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918656/

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