This code performs the variations, then triggers permutations on each unique set of 3.
i.e. for "A", "B", "C", "D" possible [[A, B, C], [A, B, D], [A, C, D], [B, C, D]] . Then we calculate the permutations on each triple (or n-some) and add features to the list.
PermutationsOfN.processSubsets (set of lists, int k) returns: [[A, B, C], [A, B, D], [A, C, D], [B, C, D]]
Taking it a little further PermutationsOfN.permutations (List List, int size) :
[[A, B, C], [A, C, B], [C, A, B], [C, B, A], [B, C, A], [B, A, C], [ A, B, D], [A, D, B], [D, A, B], [D, B, A], [B, D, A], [B, A, D], [A, C, D], [A, D, C], [D, A, C], [D, C, A], [C, D, A], [C, A, D], [B, C, D], [B, D, C], [D, B, C], [D, C, B], [C, D, B], [C, B, D]]
import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import; import; public class PermutationsOfN<T> { public static void main( String[] args ) { List<String> f = Lists.newArrayList( "A", "B", "C", "D" ); PermutationsOfN<String> g = new PermutationsOfN<String>(); System.out.println( String.format( "n=1 subsets %s", g.processSubsets( f, 1 ) ) ); System.out.println( String.format( "n=1 permutations %s", g.permutations( f, 1 ) ) ); System.out.println( String.format( "n=2 subsets %s", g.processSubsets( f, 2 ) ) ); System.out.println( String.format( "n=2 permutations %s", g.permutations( f, 2 ) ) ); System.out.println( String.format( "n=3 subsets %s", g.processSubsets( f, 3 ) ) ); System.out.println( String.format( "n=3 permutations %s", g.permutations( f, 3 ) ) ); System.out.println( String.format( "n=4 subsets %s", g.processSubsets( f, 4 ) ) ); System.out.println( String.format( "n=4 permutations %s", g.permutations( f, 4 ) ) ); System.out.println( String.format( "n=5 subsets %s", g.processSubsets( f, 5 ) ) ); System.out.println( String.format( "n=5 permutations %s", g.permutations( f, 5 ) ) ); } public List<List<T>> processSubsets( List<T> set, int k ) { if ( k > set.size() ) { k = set.size(); } List<List<T>> result = Lists.newArrayList(); List<T> subset = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity( k ); for ( int i = 0; i < k; i++ ) { subset.add( null ); } return processLargerSubsets( result, set, subset, 0, 0 ); } private List<List<T>> processLargerSubsets( List<List<T>> result, List<T> set, List<T> subset, int subsetSize, int nextIndex ) { if ( subsetSize == subset.size() ) { result.add( ImmutableList.copyOf( subset ) ); } else { for ( int j = nextIndex; j < set.size(); j++ ) { subset.set( subsetSize, set.get( j ) ); processLargerSubsets( result, set, subset, subsetSize + 1, j + 1 ); } } return result; } public Collection<List<T>> permutations( List<T> list, int size ) { Collection<List<T>> all = Lists.newArrayList(); if ( list.size() < size ) { size = list.size(); } if ( list.size() == size ) { all.addAll( Collections2.permutations( list ) ); } else { for ( List<T> p : processSubsets( list, size ) ) { all.addAll( Collections2.permutations( p ) ); } } return all; } }
A special mention goes to meriton , whose answer here helped me figure it out.