Obtaining a Certificate Chain

I work with X509 certificates in Java. Given the certificate, is it possible to find all other certificates in the signature hierarchy until you reach the root certificate?

I have a certificate file (with the extension .cer ) and I want to extract the parent signing certificate. I want to continue searching for the parent of this certificate until I get the final root certificate, which is itself signed.

I checked the X509Certificate Certificate API and the corresponding APIs in java.security.cert , but could not find anything useful.

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1 answer

This is not difficult - if you somehow / out of range have received all the intermediate certificates and the root certificate in one or more key chains.

Take a look


for compressed code that does just that. The key bit is in validateKeyChain () and consists mainly of

  cert = cert-to-validate while(not self signed) { extract issuer from cert scan keychain(s) to find cert with a subject equal to the issuer if none found - error check if the signature is correct. cert = issuers_cert } if not at the top/root - error 

As for getting intermediate / root certificates - this is another problem. Note that this code is a bit naive - and doesn't quite understand cross-signing. Java pkix calls though though - BouncyCastle has an example.

You can usually create root certificates in a keychain; but intermediate certificates often need to be β€œcollected” or discovered more dynamically. This usually requires an SSL stack request during TLS or similar.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918449/

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