WCAT report.xsl is invalid

Microsoft's WCAT is as simple as promises. However, running it on Windows 7 x64 is not so simple. The included script file is broken, and the XML conversion for summarizing the results also uses MS-only functions.

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6 answers

You can still view the formatted version of log.xml using Internet Explorer 9 by pressing F12 for the developer’s functions and turn on the browser mode: “Compatibility view”. This will allow you to convert xsl, which will not work anywhere, as another browser complains about some invalid functions and syntax.


If you have Visual Studio installed, you can also use it to use XSLT.

In Visual Studio 2012:

  • Verify that the XML file generated by WCAT (log.xml) and the XSLT file (report.xsl) are in the same directory.
  • Open the XML file.
  • In VS2012, click the XML menu> Launch XSLT Debugging (or run XSLT without debugging).
  • Wait a few seconds for the result html file to be generated.

As an aside ...

Remember that there are some errors / typos in the .1sl1 file of the WCAT 6.3 file.

Report.xsl causes the following errors when converting with it:

  • Variable 'i' not declared (row: 52, column: 13)
  • The variable or parameter 'rowId' is either undefined or unavailable. (row: 1182, column: 37)
  • Variable or par

You can fix it manually ( link ):

  • Cut the code in lines 1151-1157 and paste it in line 1146.
  • In line 51 add: var i = 0;

Solution for WCAT 6.4.0:

  • Cut the code on lines 1259-1265 and paste it on line 1293
  • In line 53 add: var i = 0

Valid report.xsl:

I had the same problem, after which I looked at the xsl file and fixed the code.

Unfortunatelly IE still did not display it correctly, however in Inspect Element the DOM seems fine. So you need to save this in an HTML file, and after that it should look good.


I often use WCAT and find that opening the log.xml file in IETester is reliable, as you can choose the IE8 rendering engine to constantly view the formatted report. No need to edit xsl or find another viewer after updating IE.


I opened result.xsl in the studio, started debugging, defined 'result'.xml as input and started debugging. You will get 3 errors. everything is easy to fix. 1) add "var" before i in the loop 2) delete $ in the other two error lines it works after this change


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918447/

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