Suppose you are working on an ASP.NET MVC project, and these are layers divided into different projects in one solution. Each project has autofile modules created to connect dependencies. Now I would like to scan assemblies and register all modules in the container.
I adapted an extension method similar to what was distributed here
public static void RegisterAssemblyModules(this ContainerBuilder builder, Assembly assembly) { var scanningBuilder = new ContainerBuilder(); scanningBuilder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(assembly) .Where(t => typeof(IModule).IsAssignableFrom(t)) .As<IModule>(); using (var scanningContainer = scanningBuilder.Build()) { foreach (var m in scanningContainer.Resolve<IEnumerable<IModule>>()) builder.RegisterModule(module); } }
My first question, given that this sample was provided several years ago, is this still a possible design for use with current autofac versions?
Secondly, the MVC application depends on functionality in other layers, which means that sometimes I will need to register types using .InstancePerHttpRequest (). However, I would also like to be able to link to them from non-web applications and not be dependent on System.Web. What is the best approach for registering modules that can be used in these different contexts?
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