Should new iOS developers use Storyboard and Xibs / Nibs?

I am an experienced Windows C / C ++ developer creating my first iOS app. Since I really don't need to worry about backward compatibility, I decided to upgrade and use the new storyboard feature in Xcode 4.3. What I find is that although the storyboard promises to lay out all the screens in your application, including segues and gestures without writing code, the reality is that nothing but the most trivial programs work when you run them. usually careless with a very useless error message. Even worse, you cannot go through the code to find out what is wrong because there is no code.

So my question is this: should a new iOS developer develop without the Builder and Nibs and Storyboards interface first, as suggested by this article ?

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2 answers

Yes! You must definitely use Storyboards to build your applications. One of the neat features of the Builder interface is that it does not abstract the basic concepts - you are still working with the same types of objects as in the code (UIViewController, UIView, etc.).

This allows you to still learn how UIKit works, but you can take advantage of creating a user interface with the tool.

Last year, a WWDC presentation was held that describes the basics of using storyboards in your applications:


This is quite subjective, but I finally agree. If you want to know how iOS works, finally run the user interface code. The interface designer is useful for positioning elements quickly and accurately, but as mentioned in the article, you will be much more productive after you understand how views and controllers work.



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