IAds for Android?

First, I don’t know where to ask this question. Well, this is QA website programming. So it’s obvious that this is the wrong place. But I hope people can answer it. And if there is a site for him about random Android issues, please provide a URL.

I see people in various forums (including SO) talking about using iAds for Android, but none of them are telling how to do this? I mean Apple’s iAds, do they even allow Android users to use their ads? I searched all over Google but found nothing about it. Did these guys just mess around or what?

here is one example: http://answers.onstartups.com/questions/33530/how-to-increase-ad-revenue (Answer to this question by user20715)

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3 answers

iAds only supports iOS, not Android.
iAds an alternative Admob that supports iOS, Android, Windows Mobile OS!

Learn more about Admob



iAd is not available on android


iAd only supports iOS, not Android.

Choose a good AdNetwrok that will give you the best effective CPM. There is a lot of AdNetwork, but in my proposal AdMob is not suitable for Android.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918324/

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