You will need to edit the plugin as described here:
The plugin reads in select, removes it from the DOM, and adds a new ul. Parameters marked "Disabled" are skipped when li is added to the new ul
Here is the method of interest in selected.jquery.js
AbstractChosen.prototype.result_add_option = function(option) { var classes, style; if (!option.disabled) { option.dom_id = this.container_id + "_o_" + option.array_index; classes = option.selected && this.is_multiple ? [] : ["active-result"]; if (option.selected) classes.push("result-selected"); if (option.group_array_index != null) classes.push("group-option"); if (option.classes !== "") classes.push(option.classes); style = !== "" ? " style=\"" + + "\"" : ""; return '<li id="' + option.dom_id + '" class="' + classes.join(' ') + '"' + style + '>' + option.html + '</li>'; } else { return ""; } };
Please note that if the parameter is disabled, it does not return anything. Take the line
return "";
and put in the html / css that you would like for the disabled element. Or you can remove the if (! Option.disabled) block and add a new if (! Option.disabled) block, which will add a special CSS class if the element is disabled.
Then you need to make sure that when users click on a disabled item, nothing happens. You need to edit this method:
Chosen.prototype.result_select = function(evt) { var high, high_id, item, position; if (this.result_highlight) { high = this.result_highlight; high_id = high.attr("id"); this.result_clear_highlight(); if (this.is_multiple) { this.result_deactivate(high); } else { this.search_results.find(".result-selected").removeClass("result-selected"); this.result_single_selected = high; this.selected_item.removeClass("chzn-default"); } high.addClass("result-selected"); position = high_id.substr(high_id.lastIndexOf("_") + 1); item = this.results_data[position]; item.selected = true; this.form_field.options[item.options_index].selected = true; if (this.is_multiple) { this.choice_build(item); } else { this.selected_item.find("span").first().text(item.text); if (this.allow_single_deselect) this.single_deselect_control_build(); } if (!(evt.metaKey && this.is_multiple)) this.results_hide(); this.search_field.val(""); if (this.is_multiple || this.form_field_jq.val() !== this.current_value) { this.form_field_jq.trigger("change", { 'selected': this.form_field.options[item.options_index].value }); } this.current_value = this.form_field_jq.val(); return this.search_field_scale(); } };
Add a block that says if it is disabled, returns false, and then when users click on this element, nothing will happen.
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