How to define aspell word separators?

Aspell treats words with underscores or dashes as two, for example. cloud control is verified as "cloud" and "based." Is there a way to specify word separators to exclude dashes and underscores?

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2 answers

If I understood the question correctly, Aspell cannot do exactly what you want (as far as I know). This is due to the conditional complex word treatment found on the Aspells TODO list .

The same list mentions that Hunspell works better with compound words, so it can be a viable alternative if you're not attached to Aspell. OpenOffice uses Hunspell to check spelling, so it's easy to see if it matches your requirements. It’s at least at least, it works for the “cluod-based” example and DOES NOT consider all hyphenated words as unconditional connections, that is, “cloud-based” will not be considered a spelling error.


Aspell cannot do what you want to do at this moment. The interface that it uses to process words with characters in them is not complex enough to handle such a case at this time. More information on this is given here .

Sorry that this cannot be resolved until this point if you do not want to implement your own interface. I would recommend using Hunspell as Mikhail .



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