Option Type in C #

VBA (and I assume that VB) has a Variant type, which, it seems to me, takes up more memory but spans various data types.

Is there an equivalent in C #?

In the form of a window they say that I had the following, how would I change the type z so that it works fine

private void uxConvertButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int x = 10; byte j = (byte)x; upDateRTB(j); long q = (long)x; upDateRTB(q); string m = x.ToString(); upDateRTB(m); } void upDateRTB(long z) { MessageBox.Show(this,"amount; "+z); } 
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5 answers
 void upDateRTB(object z) { MessageBox.Show(this, "amount; " + Convert.ToString(z)); } 

If you're talking about a โ€œvariantโ€ type in C #, take a look at dynamic type .net 4.0

But to solve your problem, it would be enough to use z.ToString() in your MessageBox.Show


The object parameter will accept everything, but if you want the variables to be strictly typed (and avoided boxing in the process), you could use generics:

 void upDateRTB<T>(T z) { MessageBox.Show(this,"amount; "+ Convert.ToString(z)); } 

The method call may remain the same, since the compiler can resolve the generic type based on this parameter.


A dynamic keyword or object type may give you the behavior you want, but:

In this case, I would change the function to:

 void upDateRTB(string z) { MessageBox.Show(this,"amount; " + z); } 

Because you need the whole method.


"amount; "+z implicitly calls the ToString method on z . Therefore, you can use the type object :

 void upDateRTB(object z) { MessageBox.Show(this,"amount; "+z); } 

You can also use dynamic, but I don't see the point:

 void upDateRTB(dynamic z) { MessageBox.Show(this,"amount; "+z); } 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918156/

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