Execute dynamic method

I am sure that this question was answered, but I had serious problems finding the right combination of keywords to find it.

I am curious to know if something like this can be done:

dynamic someObj = new SomeObject(); var methodName = "someMethodName"; // execute methodName on someObj 

I basically want to know if it can be executed for a dynamic object using a variable that stores the name of the methods.

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4 answers

You can do this on any object, not necessarily dynamic , using reflection .

 object obj = new SomeObject(); var meth = obj.GetType().GetMethod("someMethodName"); meth.Invoke(obj, new object[0]); // assuming a no-arg method 

When you use dynamic , you can use any method name identifier, and the compiler will not complain:

 dynamic obj = MakeSomeObject(); obj.someMethodName(); // Compiler takes it fine, even if MakeSomeObject returns an object that does not declare someMethodName() 

Well, actually you do not need "someMethodName" in quotation marks. You just do it (full list of programs):

 class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { dynamic obj = new SomeObject(); obj.someMethodName("hello"); } } public class SomeObject { public void someMethodName(string message) { Console.WriteLine(message); } } 

If your method name comes from some kind of evil place like javascript or something else, you can do this:

 class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { dynamic obj = new SomeObject(); var meth = obj.GetType().GetMethod("someMethodName"); meth.Invoke(obj, new object[1]{"hello"}); } } public class SomeObject { public void someMethodName(string message) { Console.WriteLine(message); } } 

Based on your comments, the requirement is to be able to call SignalR dynamic client proxy functions using a string. Trying to use reflection for this, i.e.: .GetType().GetMethod(functionName) does not work, because it is not for any dynamic object.

However, this can be done using the Invoke method for a dynamic object.

 var functionName = "alertAllUsers"; var message = "Hello!"; var groupID = "1"; var connection = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<SomeHub>(); connection.Clients.Group(groupID).Invoke(functionName, message); 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918137/

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