Primary Syntax Resource

Is there a resource on the Internet that I can look at to find the syntax of a specific language of the perl version (5.8.1 vs current_stable) without having to switch to perldoc and switch between versions, then look for the language element that I am looking for in the selected version?

It just looks like a shitty way, and I thought I'd ask the hive to see if it was better.

For example, if I am looking for a "say", I would like to know that it appeared in perl 5.10 +.


edit-- As a side note, the reason I look is often that I have to maintain older versions of perl that I β€œcan't” upgrade, but still need to write code. This becomes a tedious task when some things do not work as expected, starting from 5.12 + to 5.8, and I just hoped to find a better way (and I decided that I could not be the only one in this situation).

edit-- I basically searched all in one help area, ideally accessible over the Internet. Press say and find out that it is available in version 5.10 when a function is turned on, or that some functions have learned how to accept different arguments in version Z, etc. In many languages, if you go to view the main class / lib / module you will find the whole version history for your arguments, methods, functions, etc. As for utilities and modules, perlver looks beautiful, as well.

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4 answers

Another not so pleasant way is to go through the delta: You can always try to find them:

grep say perl*delta.pod 

But yes, it is not nice and easy.


The only version-specific keywords are documented on the feature doc page:

 perldoc feature 

Individual keywords are also mentioned when they were added; perldoc -f say includes the following:

This keyword is only available when the say function is enabled; see the feature. Alternatively, include "using v5.10" or a later scope.

This is really a very short list, anyway. Almost everything that works in 5.14 also works in 5.6.


Probably the easiest way is to select the specific version of perl that you want to get from CPAN and read its perlsyn documentation perlsyn . For instance:


Each perl release includes a perlXXXdelta document explaining the changes made, and since new features (theoretically, finally) not introduced in earlier versions of versions, you should just read perl5160delta , perl514delta , perl512delta , perl510delta and perl58delta ...

In any case, you are right, it would be nice to have a document containing important changes and versions in which they were presented.



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