I want to implement a simple VoIP application using any of the Java SIP libraries and APIs. Can you give me a simple example of a VOIP application. I do not get any resources or mentors that contain java Voice over IP.
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For sample code, you can see the Jitsi source code - it supports VoIP / SIP, as well as a number of IM protocols.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/918120/More articles:Full text search matching only specific words? - cCan maven print a short summary of the reactor? - mavenHow to handle errors / exceptions when calling an external API in Ruby on Rails? - apiStart highlighting in an audio game - javascriptStatistics of a large stream of integers in java - javaWCF Dispose () is not called with InstanceContectMode = PerSession - .netSQL query - selecting records based on counting condition - sqlmlpy, numpy, scipy on Google App Engine - pythonSQL Server field becomes truncated - databaseParse ANSI code colors in a browser? - javascriptAll Articles