IOS Distribution Certificate, another developer mark

My company just built an application for a client who already has an Apple Developer account and has already created their distribution certificates. When a certificate is uploaded to our build machine, it is clearly not signed by us.

Is it possible for us to sign the certificate that they have already created so that we can send the application?

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3 answers

Ask the client to provide you with Certificate.p12, which will include the certificate and private key.

To create .p12 goto keychain access, select the certificate option in the second block in the left pane, and then select the certificate you want and right-click> Export> Enter the password for p12> enter mac passowrd> save in the right place.

To install on your side, just open the client click p12 to open it and enter the password that the client entered for p12.

Finally, you have finished receiving the distribution certificate, which is signed at the customer site.

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So, I turned to this in one of two ways with my clients. The customer is supposed to trust you enough ...

  • Request Apple Developer user and password information, cancel the current distribution certificate, and create a new one using your build machine. Boom! Sign and submit.

  • Ask the customer to provide you with the private key that he used to sign the original distribution certificate. This is done through Keychain Access (see Ronak's answer for specifics).

If the client receives a notification about No. 1, he / she can change the password of his development account after the application is submitted and approved, and then revoke / make a new distribution certificate.

Obtaining a client’s private key (No. 2) poses some security risks for your client, but this is the only other way that I know of.


you need to create it on your portal and create it for distribution in the application store.



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