I recommend reading articles about these algorithms that explain functionality well enough:
- Deb, Pratab, Agarwal, Meyarivan. Fast and Elite Multipurpose Genetic Algorithm: NSGA-II. IEEE Transactions in Evolutionary Computing 6 (2), p. 182-197, 2002.
- Zitzler, Laumannes, Thiele. SPEA2: Strength Improvement The evolutionary Pareto algorithm. Technical Report (TIK-103), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), 2001
I am sure that you can find a PDF file of these publications on the Internet.
About the difference between a stable GA and a GA generation: In replacing generations, you create a whole new population of the same size as the old one, using only genes in the old population, and then replacing it as a whole. With a stable replacement, you create only one new person, which then replaces only one person in the population. Steady states of GA usually converge faster, but they are less likely to find good local optima, because they do not explore the fitness landscape in the same way as when using generational replacement. It depends on the problem, of course, and sometimes you can choose how many old generations you want to replace, which allows you to have an arbitrary scale between the two.
Additional multi-purpose algorithms exist, such as AbYSS and PAES .
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