We have an uncompressed javascript library for the Google V3 Maps API

I get a "Uncaught TypeError" when using the Javascript Library in the Google Map API V3. I cannot find the function due to which this error occurs. We have an uncompressed Javascript library for the Google MAP API. If not, provide your suggestion to debug it. Thanks Regards, Dinesh

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2 answers

No uncompressed library. All API methods are available in accordance with the published documentation, so there is no need for an uncompressed version. Follow the documentation and it will work.

To debug, use something like Firebug in Firefox. When it breaks on error, go to the call stack until you reach your Javascript code. This will tell you what it is trying to accomplish.

It could be something as simple as providing a string value instead of a number.


As already mentioned, there is no way to get the original version with a real (useful) variable and comments

But! Google Chrome Dev Tools has a new feature (ish?), Where you can deactivate the code ("make the mini-code understandable to humans")


human-accessible screenshot in chrome-dev tools

should at least help a bit with debugging


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/917523/

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