Matlab gives the wrong answer

If the following code is executed, MATLAB makes an error. Can anyone confirm this?


So what are 129 doing here?

 ans = 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 129 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 
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3 answers

This is a floating point rounding error due to the colon-generated vector.
As Rasman said, if you do this:

 floor((0.1:0.1:2 + eps) / 0.01) 

No rounding errors.

However, based on how the colon operator works , I suggest doing the same calculation as follows:

 floor([(1:20)/10] / 0.01) 

[ Edit : after Rasman's comment, I’ll add that the latter approach also works for negative values, and sometimes eps added)

The bottom line is that it’s best to use a colon operator with integers to minimize rounding errors.


Probably this floating point calculation leads to an inaccurate value of 129.99999999999999 ... something instead of 130. and then you make it to 129.


this is a rounded approximation caused by array construction. The solution would be to add eps:

 floor([0.1:0.1:2]/0.01+ eps([0.1:0.1:2]/0.01)) 


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