If you want a non-web interface and don't like Tk, there is also Wx , which is a wrapper for the wxWidgets GUI toolkit.
However, web applications can now be very easy to create (using a modern structure). Take the Mojolicious application, for example: Mojolicious has no dependencies other than Perl 5.12.x, and provides its own web server (Hypnotoad). You can start by creating "Lite :: App", which is a simple, standalone single-phase application, and then, if necessary, then expand it to a larger distribution. It even comes with tools to convert your application into a handy packaged distribution that can be installed as easily as any CPAN module.
Therefore, the security problem. User authentication, IP address forwarding, LAN only ... There are many ways to make the app “internal only” if you need it.
You can simply create a prototype web application, and as soon as you determine interest in your product, invest considerable time in writing as an application for the Windows GUI.
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