I have 2 tablets:
1 Samsung Android 3.0
DisplayMetrics {density=1.0, width=600, height=976, scaledDensity=1.0, xdpi=161.55031, ydpi=155.51021}
1 inexpensive device, Android 2.3.3
DisplayMetrics {density=1.0, width=480, height=800, scaledDensity=1.0, xdpi=160, ydpi=160.42105}
If I use a different layout for each screen size, both devices say that they are large and mdpi, so I can not distinguish them using the folder names of the layout ... The problem is this:
I am using TextView with textSize = "20dp"
In the firse device, the text width is half the screen, in the second - more (80% of the screen width). What for? I expect both devices to display text in the same way if I use dp (not px). I also tried with sp, but nothing has changed ...
(I used TextView as an example, I have the same problem with all the elements in the layout: button sizes, ...)
I would try using layout folder names such as "layout-w600dp" or something else that appeared in Android 3.2, but that is not the case.
I know that I can resize an element by code in onLayout (), but I do not want to do this ...
Any suggestion?
I solved my problems with layouts with the help of themes: Activate a specific diameter.xml at runtime