ASP.NET C # Fix for OK event of a custom ConfirmMessagebox element inside a function library

We created a function that dynamically shows modalpopupmessage from C # through javascript, it works fine, but we wanted to add a parameter so that we could pass a delegate to the function (or an event handler) that would be called if the user clicks OK, Any suggestions?

Postdata: We don’t want the typical solution to “confirm that you want to click this button”, but a function to request confirmation in any part of the process, if necessary. Example: the user clicks the "Delete item" button, in the code, when you check that the item has some dependency, so show a confirmation message with the mensaje function passing the deleteitemconfirmed () delegate, if the user clicks OK, the delegate is called ...

Function in the library:

public static void Mensaje(string mensaje, EventHandler EventoClickLLamar, bool botoncancelar, string cssclass, Color colorfondo) { string colorfondox = ColorTranslator.ToHtml(colorfondo); string idbotonok = EventoClickLLamar == null ? "" : EventoClickLLamar.Method.Name.Replace("_Click", ""); string script = " function verifyStyle(selector) {" + " \r\n" + " var rules;" + " \r\n" + " var haveRule = false;" + " \r\n" + " " + " \r\n" + " if (typeof document.styleSheets != \"undefined\") { //is this supported" + " \r\n" + " var cssSheets = document.styleSheets;" + " \r\n" + " " + " \r\n" + " outerloop:" + " \r\n" + " for (var i = 0; i < cssSheets.length; i++) {" + " \r\n" + " " + " \r\n" + " //using IE or FireFox/Standards Compliant" + " \r\n" + " rules = (typeof cssSheets[i].cssRules != \"undefined\") ? cssSheets[i].cssRules : cssSheets[i].rules;" + " \r\n" + " " + " \r\n" + " for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) {" + " \r\n" + " if (rules[j].selectorText == selector) {" + " \r\n" + " haveRule = true;" + " \r\n" + " break outerloop;" + " \r\n" + " }" + " \r\n" + " }//innerloop" + " \r\n" + " " + " \r\n" + " }//outer loop" + " \r\n" + " }//endif" + " \r\n" + " " + " \r\n" + " return haveRule;" + " \r\n" + " }//eof" + " \r\n" + " function setFading(o, b, e, d, f) {" + " \r\n" + " var t = setInterval" + " \r\n" + " (" + " \r\n" + " function () {" + " \r\n" + " b = stepFX(b, e, 2);" + " \r\n" + " setOpacity(o, b / 100);" + " \r\n" + " if (b == e) {" + " \r\n" + " if (t) { clearInterval(t); t = null; }" + " \r\n" + " if (typeof f == 'function') { f(); }" + " \r\n" + " }" + " \r\n" + " }" + " \r\n" + " , d / 50);" + " \r\n" + " }" + " \r\n" + " function setOpacity(e, o) {" + " \r\n" + " // for IE" + " \r\n" + " = 'alpha(opacity=' + o * 100 + ')';" + " \r\n" + " // for others" + " \r\n" + " = o;" + " \r\n" + " }" + " \r\n" + " function stepFX(b, e, s) {" + " \r\n" + " return b > e ? b - s > e ? b - s : e : b < e ? b + s < e ? b + s : e : b;" + " \r\n" + " }" + " \r\n" + " // we may consider adding frames support" + " \r\n" + " var w = window;" + " \r\n" + " // shortcut to document" + " \r\n" + " var d = w.document;" + " \r\n" + " // canvas, window width and window height" + " \r\n" + " var r = d.documentElement;" + " \r\n" + " var ww = w.innerWidth ? w.innerWidth + w.pageXOffset : r.clientWidth + r.scrollLeft;" + " \r\n" + " var wh = w.innerHeight ? w.innerHeight + w.pageYOffset : r.clientHeight + r.scrollTop;" + " \r\n" + " // create a block element" + " \r\n" + " var b = d.createElement('div');" + " \r\n" + " = 'Message';" + " \r\n" + " b.className = '" + cssclass + "' || '';" + " \r\n" + " = 'top:-9999px;left:-9999px;position:absolute;white-space:nowrap;z-index: 1001;';" + " \r\n" + " // classname not passed, set defaults" + " \r\n" + " if (!verifyStyle(\"." + cssclass + "\")) {" + " \r\n" + " = '0px 0px';" + " \r\n" + " = '8px 8px';" + " \r\n" + " = '1px solid #A4BED0';" + " \r\n" + " = '#E0ECF1';" + " \r\n" + " }" + " \r\n" + " var bx = d.createElement('div');" + " \r\n" + " = 'position: absolute;left:0px;top:0px;width:100%;height:100%;text-align:center;z-index: 1000;background-color: " + //va seguido sin salto colorfondox + ";opacity:0.5;filter:alpha(opacity=50);'" + " \r\n" + " d.body.insertBefore(bx, d.body.firstChild);" + " \r\n" + " d.body.insertBefore(b, d.body.firstChild); " + " \r\n" + " // write HTML fragment to it " + " \r\n" + " b.innerHTML = '<table><tr><td>" + mensaje + "</td></tr><tr><td align=\"center\">" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(idbotonok) ? "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Aceptar\" onClick=\"disabled=true;setFading(b, 100, 0, 1000, function () { d.body.removeChild(bx); d.body.removeChild(b); });\" >" : "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Aceptar\" onClick=\"__doPostBack(\\'" + idbotonok + "\\',\\'\\')\" id=\"" + idbotonok + "\" >") + (botoncancelar ? "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Cancelar\" onClick=\"disabled=true;setFading(b, 100, 0, 1000, function () { d.body.removeChild(bx); d.body.removeChild(b); });\" >" : "") + "</td></tr></table>';" + " \r\n" + " // save width/height before hiding " + " \r\n" + " var bw = b.offsetWidth;" + " \r\n" + " var bh = b.offsetHeight;" + " \r\n" + " // hide, move and then show" + " \r\n" + " = 'none';" + " \r\n" + " = (wh / 2 - bh / 2) + 'px'; //center" + " \r\n" + " = (ww / 2 - bw / 2) + 'px'; //center" + " \r\n" + " = 'block';" + " \r\n"; ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock((Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler, typeof(Page), "mensaje", script, true); } 

Testing page:

 public partial class Test: Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } btnDeleteItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //DB checks .... .... //After x checks against Database we see the item has some dependency so we ask for confirmation FunctionsLibrary.Mensaje("This Item has x dependency, are you sure you want to delete it?", btnDeleteItemConfirmed_Click, true, "cssclassx", System.Drawing.Color.Gray); } btnDeleteItemConfirmed_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //delete item definitively, handle dependencies etc... } } 

Parameters that we could not do the job (in case we were on the way, but something was wrong):

  • Case 1: (the one implemented in our sample code) Using EventHandler + __doPostBack, so if you have a buttonid_click button defined on your page, it will be called for postback. (The event did not go up ... we assume that this happened because we did not add the Ok control to the page load ... which gives us case 2)

  • Case 2: Save the delegate function passed, register the Page.Load + = GetPostBackControlID () event, on the next page load GetPostBackControlID () is called, there we check if the control identifier is OK, if so call the delegate function

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2 answers

So you want to talk to codebehind from the Javascript dialog? The best solution is to use Ajax. See how this is done here:

Remember that you will call the static method in your code, so not all data on this page will be available. You can, for example, access the Session object through the HttpCurrent object.

Good luck.


after checking the dependecy, set btnDeleteItem.OnClick as btnDeleteItem.OnClick +=btnDeleteItemConfirmed_Click and set btnDeleteItem.OnClientClick OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?');"

Maybe this will help you.



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