How can I run a Scala project as the default Scala application in the Eclipse IDE?

I'm new to the Eclipse IDE, and the question is, how can I run a Scala project as a default Scala application? When I start a project by pressing the ⌘R key, it always asks how to start it, like a Scala or Java application. Is there a way to skip this and always run it as Scala by default?

I suppose this has something to do with the startup configuration, but when I try to create a new startup configuration for the project, this does not give me Scala's option: only the Java applet and Java application are displayed as a choice.

I appreciate your help in advance!

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1 answer

Window > Preferences > General > Keys

Scroll down and select Run Scala Application

Edit the binding to ⌘R or whatever.

This changes the binding for the entire workspace, so it does not distinguish between Java and Scala applications. It would be nice if the runner had a box in which you could select a check mark to select the default value, but this is a worthy solution.



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