How to configure Eclipse to use Phonegap on Ubuntu?


Phonegap = A tool for creating things like HTML5 / Javascript games on phones. This is pretty cool because desktop versions should work on phones without significant rework for other platforms.

I can find general instructions, but all about Eclipse and the like. I can’t find a word about Ubuntu, for example here , if there isn’t a lot of google spam with a huge amount of confusing threads on different platforms, where people are more or less bullying with each other, such as here with red and gray, for example google . I wish there were any good makefiles, but no, README is an instruction to read the more or less ambiguous Get-Started. So:


  • Where can I find step-by-step instructions for Ubuntu to configure Phonegap?

  • I hope that some of them will be described on different platforms.

  • ADT plugin is not installed in Eclipse. Why?

Android Eclipse ADT problem

I can find instructions here but cannot move forward for some strange reason, no instructions or -text help to continue. You can see in the photo that it does not allow me to click OK, although I follow the instructions. I wish I could do it on the console!

enter image description here

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1 answer


AVP = Android virtual phone (you do not need all phones to check the code, use the emulator)

ADB = application to enter the application from the command line to the phone

ADT-plugin in Eclipse = adding some buttons in Eclipse for things like adding AVP

ADT = Android development tools (not sure if they are in fact, perhaps emulation related things containing things like linux kernels, APIs, etc.)

I am trying to provide instructions for console-power users, which I hope will help to quickly configure the settings, and not spend a lot of time on cumbersome instructions.

1. Set up a development environment such as the Android SDK here .

 $ wget $ tar -xvzf *.tgz $ ...follow README or some tutorial there... 

I. Now return to the Android SDK site, where you can find the ADT plugin for Eclipse here . The unclikable button becomes clickable if you search using the search-bar for Android. ADT means Android Development Tools, so install whatever you get there under something tools or related.

II. Fix @override -problem (soon 1.6-compiler-level matching is required), more here .

III. Test the Android installation by downloading the Android sample file and then turning on the phone (with the USB connection turned on: Settings> Development> click) or use the Android Virtual Phone (= AVP)

 $ adb devices # Shows your physics devices such # as phones with USB -debugging enabled. $ adb install ~/workspace/yourChosenSampleDemo/bin/*.apk # Your first Android -app emerges to your phone, have FuN! 

2. Configure Phonegap as follows:

  • Some general instructions are apparently here .

  • iOS: you need Xcode, which is somewhat limited.

  • Perhaps useful, source -code is here and general download is here .

Instructions are extremely inaccessible with Eclipse mouse click - something bad! After wasting time with Eclipse symbolic links, I jumped to the console:

 $ tree|less $ search for the files needed, mark them done or use find -command directly ^C $ copy the files to some dir such as ~/Android/Public so easier to do ^C $ things at once ^C $ pwd /home/xyz/workspace/HelloCordova/res $ cp ~/Android/phonegap-phonegap-475bfd2/lib/android/xml/* . $ cp ~/Android/Public/cordova-1.7.0.js assets/www/ $ cp ~/Android/Public/cordova-1.7.0.jar libs/ 


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