The only way to make them observable is to proxy them into observable properties.
var yourViewModel = { width: ko.observable(), height: ko.observable() }; var $window = $(window); $window.resize(function () { yourViewModel.width($window.width()); yourViewModel.height($window.height()); });
I do not understand your second question. Could you just use css for this?
Second question. One possibility is to write a binding handler for this (untested). { init: function (element) { var $el = $(element); $el.css({ left: "50%", position: "absolute", marginLeft: ($el.width() / 2) + 'px' }); } }
50% and margin on the left is a great way to focus on your scenarios, as it automatically works even when you resize the window. Obviously, if the dimensions of the divs themselves change, you need to recalculate the left margin, this can always be tied to the value on the viewmodel. Hope this helps.
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