Reading file contents in sharpsvn

I am trying to read the contents of a .csproj file using sharpsvn, but I seem to always get an empty file.

Here is my code:

MemoryStream myOut = new MemoryStream(); svnClient.Write(path, myOut)) return myOut.GetLibsFromCsproj(); private static string GetLibsFromCsproj(this MemoryStream csjpros) { TextReader tr = new StreamReader(csjpros); XElement projectNode = XElement.Load(tr); XNamespace msbuild = ""; var referenceNodes = projectNode.Descendants(msbuild + "ItemGroup").Descendants(msbuild + "Reference").ToString(); return referenceNodes; } 

When my code comes to XElement.Load(tr); , it throws an error message indicating that the root element is missing. It turns out that myOut empty.

Am I doing something wrong?

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2 answers

Did you remember reset MemoryStream at the beginning after writing to it? Try adding this line before the return :

 myOut.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); 


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